Full Moon Full Truth

The Moon waxes full in Capricorn as I write this. Her aura falls over my left shoulder onto my heart. She’ll peak on July 13, 2022 at 12:37 pm MDT, at 21 degrees and join Pluto at 27 degrees. Together, they’ll continue their attempts to shock us out of our collective apathy.  If that seems

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Summer solstice blessings

Summer Solstice blesses those of us dwelling in the Northern hemisphere on June 21, 2022 at 3:14 am MDT. Before most of us rise in the morning, the nourishing waves of Cancer will have rippled into our dreams to shape our lives. The season of Cancer always calls me to examine how we nurture ourselves

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Cultivating love amidst chaos with the April – May Eclipse cycles in Taurus/Scorpio

Encouraging us to transform abuses of power and authority with love, both of 2022’s eclipse cycles are infused with the energies of Venus-ruled Taurus and Pluto-ruled Scorpio. The first of these eclipse cycles takes place today, April 30th with the New Moon at 10° Taurus forming a partial solar eclipse. She joins Uranus at 14°

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As Pisces prepares to give way to Aries ~ What if?

What if we forgave ourselves everything? Every little thing. Every big thing. And everything in-between. Every judgmental or critical comment we’ve spoken or held back – about ourselves and/or others. Every negative thought we secretly believed. Every negative thought that we bellowed to the world, or to those in our smaller private worlds. What if

As Pisces prepares to give way to Aries ~ What if? Read More »