Spring Equinox Magic ~

The Sun shifts into fiery Aries at 9:06 pm MDT on March 19th, 2024, where new beginnings stir within and around us. As I write this, nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in the northern hemisphere, winter’s snow melts and fills the earth and air with refreshing nourishment.

Aries symbolizes new beginnings more than any other zodiac sign. It’s the bearer of new life, novel ideas and creative endeavors. It ignites and inspires. Its keywords are I am and survival is certain.

Wherever Aries is in your natal chart, begin something.

Whispers to make changes become stronger now because subtlety and status quo are not qualities that Mars-ruled Aries abides. It’s time to stir things up and take risks.

If what we begin falls short of what we were aiming for, we can take heart because Aries will help us begin again. And again. In short, we’re guaranteed a fresh start.

If the dawn of Spring isn’t enough to inspire change, the upcoming eclipse cycle adds momentum.

The Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, when the Moon is full in Libra, calls us to consider the counterpart to Aries. We’re inspired to see the effect we have on others as we nurture relationships. Do our actions cultivate harmony and balance? Are we connected to the power that partnerships hold?

Then, on April 8th, the Solar Eclipse on the New Moon in Aries brings the focus home. Hopefully, we’ve cultivated enough wisdom to maintain our connection to each other while asserting ourselves. Whenever polarities exist in astrology – and in life – the solution lies in finding middle ground.

Here’s to new beginnings and changes that serve the whole of us ~

With great love and blessings,
~ Christina