feeling into the full moon in Cancer ~

Have you seen the Full Moon tonight? She’s showing off for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Mid-Cancer and Capricorn magic and wisdom are afoot and above! 

When I looked up earlier this eve, she was illuminating crystallized rainbow clouds below her. Retrograde Mars in Gemini is blazing red not too far away from her and Jupiter is radiating in Aries further across the sky. 

Venus in Aquarius already set in the western sky, but her love continues to bless all sentient beings, for we’re all connected. 

I hope that the Full Moon’s light gently stirs our hearts to a place of gratitude for what nurtures us. 

What feeds our deepest desires and makes us feel loved? Here’s to embracing and nourishing that…and each other. 

The Full Moon in Cancer also forms a cooperative sextile aspect to Uranus in Taurus and the North Lunar Node ~ both of which continue to ask us what really matters.

She also trines Neptune in Pisces and offers flowing support for surrendering what is not ours to carry. The way forward truly is lighter when forgiveness is explored and embraced. Here’s to nurturing our inner poets and artists, too. 

Above all, I hope that we can be gentle with ourselves as we evaluate our goals and how far we’ve come to this moment in life. 

Maybe, just maybe, it’s not necessary to check everything off of our lists. Maybe it’s enough to pause and be grateful for where and who we are now. 

Maybe doing yoga every other day instead of everyday is okay. Maybe not doing it at all is okay, too. Maybe buying one mega lottery ticket is enough. Maybe we have and are enough already. 

On this sensitive watery Full Moon, here’s to feeling into what feels good, what feels loving, and what feels perfect, whole and complete. 

Here’s to letting that ripple from our hearts out into the world. Here’s to celebrating us ~ because we ARE good enough and we ARE loved. 

Always love ~