What if we forgave ourselves everything? Every little thing. Every big thing. And everything in-between.
Every judgmental or critical comment we’ve spoken or held back – about ourselves and/or others. Every negative thought we secretly believed. Every negative thought that we bellowed to the world, or to those in our smaller private worlds.
What if we forgave ourselves everything? Every little thing. Every big thing. And everything in-between.
Every doubt of our greatness that we cultivated. Every time we questioned our perfection. Every time we fell. Every time we distrusted our ability to rise again. Every time we questioned whether or not we should even exist.
What if we forgave ourselves everything? Every little thing. Every big thing. And everything in-between.
Every dark action we’ve ever taken. Every conflict we engaged in. Every battle we ran from. Every shadowy path we’ve ever walked down. Every wrong turn. Every situation we’ve engaged in at the expense of someone else.
What if we forgave ourselves everything? Every little thing. Every big thing. And everything in-between.
As I view the journeys of kindred souls upon this Earth and put closing remarks on their Celestial Soul Stories, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, the realm of Higher Consciousness; Mastery, Unity, and Forgiveness. Mercury joins Jupiter in Pisces as well, strengthening our ability to blend logic and intuition.
They are backed up by Saturn, Juno, Venus, Mars and Vesta in Aquarius, the sign of humanitarian connection and possibility, which is followed by Pluto in the end degrees of Capricorn, supporting our efforts to destroy archaic, unequal power structures so that new ones that serve all may be created.
The Moon is in Virgo, where we effectively serve what works and heals, and she’s rapidly approaching her peak which will be at 1:17 am MDT on March 18, 2022.
I’m in awe of our human family and humbled by the fortitude and courage of those arriving, those close to departing, and everyone in-between.
Spring emerges in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, 2022 at 9:33 am MDT, as Aries births a new cycle of regeneration. Autumn falls in the Southern one, where Libra initiates transition. Some of us are looking forward to the promise of new life while others are preparing to surrender into the process of rest.
Pisces gives way to Aries. Libra surrenders to Scorpio. Endings make space for beginnings. Life yields to death. Death makes room for life.
If we’re blessed in the midst of this never-ending cycle of arriving and leaving, we come to know love. We engage in acts of kindness and compassion. We touch others and are touched in return.
We see beauty beyond our imagination ~ in the leaf of a tree, the shape of a cloud, the flight of a bird, the kiss of a dog, the purr of a cat, a ray of sunlight, a drop of rain, a flake of snow, the opening of a flower ~ that we mirror with our open hearts.
We hold those close to us closer, and we are reminded of why we arrived. Here. Now. We remember. We connect. We breathe. We live. We love.
And again.
And again.
~ Sending massive blessings of light, love, and peace around the globe.
For the highest good of all relations.
Always Love.
~ Christina