Winter Solstice Peace ~

The Sun moved into Capricorn at 2:20 am MST on December 21, 2024, marking the longest night of the year and the beginning of winter’s serenity. Nature asks us to listen to her whispers as she invites us inward. This season calls for reflection, and gives us an opportunity to appreciate what has passed, what we’ve learned, and the infinite ways we’ve been blessed. 

As we settle into the next three months, the Sun invites us to continue to balance our energies with that of others, as it forms a T-square to the nodal axis in Aries/Libra, and Neptune in Pisces. It’s time to mend what has come untethered, to restore harmony where needed, and to tend to ourselves while honoring each other in the process. Dreams continue to take us deeper within for this evolutionary work to unfold.

Going inside now will serve us well for the celestial changes next year when several planets move from receptive feminine signs (water and earth elements) to active masculine ones (air and fire elements). These include Pluto’s recent move from Capricorn into Aquarius, Saturn and Neptune’s upcoming move from Pisces into Aries, and Uranus’s move from Taurus into Gemini.

There will be some retrograde motion with a few of them, so they’ll dip back into receptive elements as the new year progresses. Our nodal axis will spend most of the year in Virgo/Pisces, emphasizing the feminine energies and elements again. Instead of the current focus on ourselves and others, we’ll be encouraged to become conscious of and manifest our mastery in the world.

Balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is at the heart of astrology and our lives. Here’s to honoring both within – and with each other – now and in the coming year. 

With great love, peace, and blessings for the highest good of all relations, 

~ Christina