We are still the ones we’ve been waiting for.
There are still generous beings sharing and demonstrating kindness in our world.
There are still compassionate souls seeking peace in and taking action to protect nature.
There are still good people doing good work for the benefit of others.
There are still candles being lit and tended with prayers sent upward for all relations.
There are still loving souls gathering across the globe daily in meditation, peace, prayer, and presence, elevating our collective consciousness.
There are still circles of kindred spirits coming together to drum, rattle, chant, sweat, pray, and dance in the name of what is good and true.
There are still monks, priests, priestesses, ministers, sisters, brothers, ancestors, channelers, astrologers, psychics, intuitives, and leaders of light guiding us with love to awaken the Sacredness inside us, for the highest good of all.
There are still wingeds taking flight, guided by ancient inner compasses. They dance and sing above, inviting us to see and know the higher way forward.
There are still bodies of water healing us.
There are still water dwellers, spreading the wisdom of light and sea to spark our memories of higher consciousness within, where we flow in alignment with joy and love.
There are still trees bearing witness to our choices while offering life, shelter, strength, and inspiration without condition or judgment.
There are still sunrises and sunsets taking our breath away.
There are still planetary bodies of light swirling around, between, and through us.
There are still pets and wild ones vibrating at the frequency of pure love, calling us to join them in play and wonder.
There are still tiny hands and faces spreading joy and laughter with a giggle or smile.
There are still elders striking a chord in our collective heart with their timeless wisdom.
There are still those who went before us, whispering to us in our dreams, touching our shoulders, illuminating our paths.
There are still parks, mountains, trails, farmers and their markets, festivals, and concerts.
There are still musicians, artists, actors, dancers, writers, teachers, healers, helpers, coaches, mentors, storekeepers, and civil servants supporting and inspiring us.
There are still first responders, and all those caring for us after the initial crises or illnesses that called them forth.
There are still libraries, schools, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations.
There are still countless other people and blessings filling our lives with peace, happiness, joy, and courage.
There is still free will.
There is still goodness and generosity.
There is still light, and truth coming to it.
There is still love.
We are still co-creating our world, always, with every thought we think, intention we hold, emotion we feel, choice we make, and action we take.
We are still the ones we’ve been waiting for.
With great blessings and love, for all relations.
Always love.
~ Christina