As the Moon waxes full in Cancer tonight and peaks at 8:28 pm MST, I’m reminded of – and awed by – how much she affects and blesses us. Her presence and power are constant, even as she changes form. Each of her phases shapes us in different ways, but she is always there, even when invisible.
A shape shifter of souls, she takes us on journeys across time and space. For this final full moon in Cancer during the year of 2020, I am called to honor her light, her shadow and her darkness, along with ours.
In her balsamic phase, when she’s dark and invisible, we dive deep into ourselves and our desires. Ideas percolate and gestate here, stirred by our attention.
With her crescent seam of light, we are born anew, and her thin waxing crescent of potential awaits our impulses and intentions.

As she grows into her first quarter or half moon, possibilities increase and if we are awake enough to notice and wise enough to trust, opportunities begin to coalesce around us.
Half moons bring a sense of clarity and balance – tipping points where we can go this way or that, choose one path or another. It’s up to us to build our dreams.

Momentum increases as she moves from her half moon phase into her waxing gibbous phase and the choices we’ve made are supported, regardless of our opinions, judgments, wishes or hopes.
When she waxes full, her light spills upon our path and beyond it – illuminating what is calling for realization and celebration while supporting our way forward.

In her waning gibbous phase, we begin to release what is not yet born and needs more time. Her third quarter phase is another tipping point, but this one turns us toward what needs to be trimmed and/or cut away for the next cycle of growth.
Her waning crescent helps us to surrender further and invites us to trust ourselves and the process of creation all over again.

With infinite gratitude, I recall all of the times she carried me across the expanse of night, helped me maneuver the terrain of what is felt but not seen, and emerge into the light of day.
The sense of what was, is, and will be possible fills me as I recall her surrendering in the western sky at dawn while the Sun, her partner in this dance of light and shadow and soul, claimed the day with me.
As her fullness shines upon us tonight and highlights the closure of this tumultuous year of contraction, growth and expansion, I bow to her demonstration of constancy in the midst of transformation and pray that we emulate her shape shifting brilliance for the highest good of all relations and sentient beings.
With infinite blessings of light and shadow and everything in-between,
~ Christina